Our belief is that Kassie’s light will never extinguish; it can and will carry-on through the young people in our community who are inspired to mirror her lifelong philanthropic heart. Kassie’s zeal to make God loved, known and served will be honored by funding the following three branches, all in the name of Kassie Braun:
Annual grants and need-based tuition assistance funds to Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, Indiana. > Learn More
Annual study abroad scholarship to St Edwards University in Austin, Texas. > Learn More
Support through volunteers and construction of the Kassie Braun Memorial school in Abakaliki, Nigeria opening in Fall, 2019. > Learn More
Overall, our long-term goal and commitment is to raise $3,500,000 to fully fund the school scholarships in the U.S. as well as the completion of the Kassie Braun Memorial Schools on the other side of the globe.